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KnowHow about cable processing

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Kabel LeitungenSpecialist articles - Cutting, Stripping, Handling


Litzenverbund aus der Mitte - Strand composite from the centerIn our training courses and technical books, we always emphasize the importance of incoming goods inspection.

High-quality crimping results can only be achieved if the materials and tools used comply with the specifications and requirements.

But experience shows: In many small and medium-sized cable assembly companies, no, or at least no 100%, incoming goods inspections gets carried out. To a certain extent, this is quite understandable: It costs time and therefore money!

workplaceOh-oh! ... The wire strand count on the micrograph of your crimp connection reveals that there a missing wire strands. As a result, the crimp connection is evaluated as poor. The production batch scrapped.

If this crimp connection is part of a wire harness or a number of pre-assembled wires, one question inevitably arises: Are there any other crimp connections that are also affected? How big is the potential damage?

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