- Afi
- Tool-05-EN-HCT - Video
- Tool-05-EN-HCT - Training tool: Hand tools in cable assembly
- PB-08-EN - Cables & Wires - Handling - Cutting - Stripping
- PB-06-EN - The Open Crimp Barrel
- PB-05-EN - Crimp tool technology in cable processing - Industrial production of crimp connections with open crimp barrels
- PB-04-EN - Principles of crimping technology - Splice Technology
- PB-03-EN - Pre-insulated crimp contacts
- PB-02-EN - Turned contacts: The four indent crimp
- Trainingtool
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- Specialist publication - Print version
- SP-01-EN - Principles of Crimping Technology – Compendium
- Become a Partner - Join our Affiliate Program
- SP-02-EN - Hand tools in cable processing
- PB-01-EN - The wire end ferrule
- Doku-Info PopUp
- Linkliste Bundle: Fachbuch & Schulungstools (Deutsch)
- Bundel - All training tools and the Reference book in one package
- Bundel - Alle Schulungstools und das Fachbuch in einem Paket
- Bundel - All training tools in one package
- Bundel - Alle Schulungstools in einem Paket
- Publications and training tools - Overview
- ST - Images - Industrial processing techniques in Crimping
- ST - Bilder - Crimptechnik - Industrielle Verarbeitungstechniken
- ST - Industrial processing techniques in crimping
- ST - Crimpentechnik - Industrielle Verarbeitungstechniken
- ST - Crimp quality monitoring - methods & application
- ST - Crimpqualitätsüberwachung – Methoden & Anwendung
- ST - Bilder - Crimpqualitätsüberwachung – Methoden & Anwendung
- ST - Images - Crimp quality monitoring - methods & application
- ST - Images - Closed Crimp Barrel Connectors - Basics
- ST - Bilder - Geschlossene Crimphülsen - Grundlagen bei der Verarbeitung
- ST - Geschlossene Crimphülsen - Grundlagen bei der Verarbeitung
- ST - Closed Crimp Barrel Connectors - Basics
- ST - Crimping - Open Barrel Crimp Connectors - Basics
- ST - Die offene Crimphülse
- ST - Bilder - Die offene Crimphülse
- ST - Images - Crimping - Open Barrel Crimp Connectors - Basics
- ST - Images - Cables & wires
- ST - Bilder - Kabel & Leitungen
- ST - Cables & wires
- ST - Kabel & Leitungen
- ST - Introduction to Cable Processing & Crimping Technology
- ST - Bilder - Einführung in die Kabelbearbeitung & Crimptechnik
- ST - Images - Introduction to Cable Processing & Crimping Technology
- ST - Einführung in die Kabelbearbeitung & Crimptechnik
- ST - Hand tools in cable assembly
- ST - Handwerkzeuge in der Kabelbearbeitung
- Info: Schulungstools - Training tools
- Theme: Cables & Wires - Handling - Cutting - Stripping
- Thema: Kabel & Leitungen – Handling – Schneiden – Abisolieren
- Theme: The Open Crimp Barrel
- Thema: Die offene Crimphülse
- Theme: Crimp tool technology in cable processing - Industrial production of crimp connections with open crimp barrels
- Thema: Crimpwerkzeugtechnik in der Kabelbearbeitung - Industrielle Fertigung von Crimpverbindungen mit offenen Crimphülsen
- Theme: Splice Technology
- Thema: Die Splicetechnik
- Theme: Pre-insulated crimp contacts
- Thema: Vorisolierte Crimpkontakte
- Theme: Turned contacts - The four indent crimp
- Thema: Gedrehte Kontakte: Die Vierdornpressung
- Theme: The wire end ferrule
- Thema: Die Aderendhülse
- Reference book: Hand tools in cable processing (Info)
- Fachbuch: Handwerkzeuge in der Kabelbearbeitung (Info)
- Reference book: Principles of Crimping Technology - Compendium (Info)
- Fachbuch: Grundlagen der Crimptechnik – Kompendium (Info)
- Video library
- Stripping (VL02)
- Crimping - Crimping equipment (VL04-1)
- Crimping - Crimping tools (VL04-2)
- Single Wire Seal (VL04-7)
- Crimping- Hand crimp tools (VL04-3)
- Crimping - Wire end ferrules (VL04-4)
- Crimping - Turned contacts (VL04-5)
- Large cross sections (VL04-6)
- Wireing harness & Assembly - Disassembly (VL05)
- Quality management (VL07)
- Specials (V06)
- Production solutions (V07)
- AlleSprachen